In this section, we go through all issue labels available in the MindsDB GitHub repository.

Labels of Interest to Contributors

If you are or plan to be a contributor, look at the issues marked with these labels.

The first-timers-only Label

If you haven’t contributed to MindsDB before, you can search for the issues marked as first-timers-only to get started.

Please note that before we can accept your contribution to MindsDB, we ask you to sign our Contributor License Agreement.

You can find all the first-timers-only issues here.

The good first issue Label

Issues marked as good first issue are good for newcomers.

You can find all the good first issue issues here.

The hactoberfest Label

By taking up an issue marked as hactoberfest, you can participate in the Hacktoberfest competition, which takes place every year in October.

You can find all the hactoberfest issues here.

The help wanted Label

Issues marked as help wanted are for anybody who wants to contribute to MindsDB.

You can find all the help wanted issues here.

The integration Label

The integration label marks issues that require a contributor to implement a database or ML integration with MindsDB. If you take up such an issue, you can participate in the Integration Contest of MindsDB.

You can create an issue with your idea for integration by following the instructions here.

You can find all the integration issues here.

Other Labels

Here are other labels used in the MindsDB repository.

The bug Label

The bug label marks issues that describe what’s currently not working.

You can report a bug by following the instructions here.

The discussion Label

If an issue is marked as discussion, it requires further discussion before it can be resolved.

The documentation Label

The documentation label marks issues related to our docs.

You can improve our docs by creating issues following the instructions here.

The enhancement Label

As MindsDB grows day by day, there are still things that require improvements. All issues suggesting enhancements to MindsDB are marked as enhancement.

You can request a feature by following the instructions here.

The follow-up Label

If an issue is marked as follow-up, it requires users’ feedback before it can be resolved.

The question Label

If an issue is marked as question, it requires further information before it can be resolved.

The user request Label

Our customers can suggest improvements or report bugs. Any issue that comes from them is marked as user request.