To follow this guide, install MindsDB locally via Docker or PyPI.

Starting MindsDB with Default Configuration

Start MindsDB locally with the default configuration.

  1. Activate the virtual environment:
source mindsdb/bin/activate
  1. Start MindsDB:
python -m mindsdb
  1. Access MindsDB locally at

By default, MindsDB starts the http and mysql APIs. You can define which APIs to start using the api flag as below.

python -m mindsdb --api http,mysql,postgres,mongodb

If you want to start MindsDB without the graphical user interface (GUI), use the --no_studio flag as below.

python -m mindsdb --no_studio

Starting MindsDB with Extended Configuration

Start MindsDB locally with your custom configuration by providing a path to the config.json file that stores custom config parameters listed in this section.

python -m mindsdb --config=/path-to-the-extended-config-file/config.json

Below are all of the custom configuration parameters that should be set according to your requirements and saved into the config.json file.

    "permanent_storage": {
        "location": "local"
        "bucket": "s3_bucket_name" # optional

The permanent_storage parameter defines where MindsDB stores copies of user files, such as uploaded files, models, and tab content. MindsDB checks the permanent_storage location to access the latest version of a file and updates it as needed.

The location specifies the storage type.

  • absent (default): Disables permanent storage and is recommended to use when MindsDB is running locally.
  • local: Stores files in a local directory defined with config['paths']['storage'].
  • s3: Stores files in an Amazon S3 bucket. This option requires the bucket parameter that specifies the name of the S3 bucket where files will be stored.
    "storage_dir": "/home/mindsdb/var",

The storage_dir parameter specifies the directory where MindsDB stores all its files, including models, uploaded files, tab content, and the internal SQLite database (if running locally).

If this parameter is not set, the path is determined by the MINDSDB_STORAGE_DIR environment variable. MindsDB defaults to creating a mindsdb folder in the operating system user’s home directory.

    "paths": {
        "root": "/home/mindsdb/var", # optional (alternatively, it can be defined in the MINDSDB_STORAGE_DIR environment variable)
        "content": "/home/mindsdb/var/content", # optional
        "storage": "/home/mindsdb/var/storage", # optional
        "static": "/home/mindsdb/var/static", # optional
        "tmp": "/home/mindsdb/var/tmp", # optional
        "cache": "/home/mindsdb/var/cache", # optional
        "locks": "/home/mindsdb/var/locks", # optional

The paths parameter allows users to redefine the file paths for various groups of MindsDB files. By default, all paths are located within the storage_dir. If only the root path is defined, all other folders will be created within that directory. If this parameter is absent, the value is determined by the MINDSDB_STORAGE_DIR environment variable.

The root parameter defines the base directory for storing all MindsDB files. It serves the same purpose as the storage_dir parameter.

The content parameter specifies the directory where user-related files are stored, such as uploaded files, created models, and tab content. The internal SQLite database (if running locally) is stored in the root directory instead.

If the ['permanent_storage']['location'] is set to 'local', then the storage parameter is used to store copies of user files.

The static parameter is used to store files for the graphical user interface (GUI) when MindsDB is run locally.

The tmp parameter designates a directory for temporary files. Note that the operating system’s default temporary directory may also be used for some temporary files.

If the ['cache']['type'] is set to 'local', then the cache parameter defines the location for storing cached files for the most recent predictions. For example, if a model is queried with identical input, the result will be stored in the cache and returned directly on subsequent queries, instead of recalculating the prediction.

The locks parameter is used to store lock files to prevent race conditions when the content folder is shared among multiple applications. This directory helps ensure that file access is managed properly using fcntl locks. Note that this is not applicable for Windows OS.

        "http_auth_enabled": False,
        "username": "username", # optional
        "password": "password" # optional

The auth parameter controls the authentication settings for APIs in MindsDB.

The http_auth_enabled enables (True) or disables (False) authentication for the HTTP API, that is, the MindsDB’s GUI. This setting is essential only for local usage.

To enable authentication for the HTTP API, you must set http_auth_enabled to True in addition to specifying the username and password parameters.

To enable authentication for the MongoDB and MySQL APIs, you must define the username and password parameters.

    "gui": {
        "autoupdate": true

The gui parameter controls the behavior of the MindsDB graphical user interface (GUI) updates.

The autoupdate parameter defines whether MindsDB automatically checks for and updates the GUI to the latest version when the application starts. If set to True, MindsDB will attempt to fetch the latest available version of the GUI. If set to False, MindsDB will not try to update the GUI on startup.

    "api": {
        "http": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47334"
        "mysql": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47335",
            "database": "mindsdb",
            "ssl": true
        "mongodb": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "47336",
            "database": "mindsdb"

The api parameter contains the configuration settings for running MindsDB APIs.

Currently, the supported APIs are:

  • http: Configures the HTTP API. It requires the host and port parameters. Alternatively, configure HTTP authentication for your MindsDB instance by setting the environment variables MINDSDB_USERNAME and MINDSDB_PASSWORD before starting MindsDB, which is a recommended way for the production systems.
  • mysql: Configures the MySQL API. It requires the host and port parameters and additionally the database and ssl parameters.
  • mongodb: Configures the MongoDB API. It requires the host and port parameters and additionally the database parameter.

Connection parameters within each block include:

  • host: Specifies the IP address or hostname where the API should run. For example, "" indicates the API will run locally.
  • port: Defines the port number on which the API will listen for incoming requests. The default ports are 47334 for HTTP, 47335 for MySQL, and 47336 for MongoDB.
  • database (for MySQL and MongoDB): Specifies the name of the database that MindsDB uses. Users must connect to this database to interact with MindsDB through the respective API.
  • ssl (for MySQL API): Indicates whether SSL support is enabled for the MySQL API.
    "cache": {
        "type": "local",
        "connection": "redis://localhost:6379" # optional

The cache parameter controls how MindsDB stores the results of recent predictions to avoid recalculating them if the same query is run again. Note that recent predictions are cached for ML models, like Lightwood, but not in the case of large language models (LLMs), like OpenAI.

The type parameter specifies the type of caching mechanism to use for storing prediction results.

  • none: Disables caching. No prediction results are stored.
  • local (default): Stores prediction results in the cache folder (as defined in the paths configuration). This is useful for repeated queries where the result doesn’t change.
  • redis: Stores prediction results in a Redis instance. This option requires the connection parameter, which specifies the Redis connection string.
    "ml_task_queue": {
        "type": "local",
        "host": "localhost", # required only when type is set to redis
        "port": 6379, # required only when type is set to redis
        "db": 0, # required only when type is set to redis
        "username": "username", # required only when type is set to redis
        "password": "password" # required only when type is set to redis

The ml_task_queue parameter manages the queueing system for machine learning tasks in MindsDB. ML tasks include operations such as creating, training, predicting, fine-tuning, and retraining models. These tasks can be resource-intensive, and running multiple ML tasks simultaneously may lead to Out of Memory (OOM) errors or performance degradation. To address this, MindsDB uses a task queue to control task execution and optimize resource utilization.

The type parameter defines the type of task queue to use.

  • local: Tasks are processed immediately as they appear, without a queue. This is suitable for environments where resource constraints are not a concern.
  • redis: Tasks are added to a Redis-based queue, and consumer process (which is run with --ml_task_consumer) ensures that tasks are executed only when sufficient resources are available.
    • Using a Redis queue requires additional configuration such as the host, port, db, username, and password parameters.
    • To use the Redis queue, start MindsDB with the following command to initiate a queue consumer process: python3 -m mindsdb --ml_task_queue_consumer. This process will monitor the queue and fetch tasks for execution only when sufficient resources are available.
    "file_upload_domains": [],

The file_upload_domains parameter restricts file uploads to trusted sources by specifying a list of allowed domains. This ensures that users can only upload files from the defined sources, such as S3 or Google Drive ("file_upload_domains": ["", ""]).

If this parameter is left empty ([]), users can upload files from any URL without restriction.

    "web_crawling_allowed_sites": [],

The web_crawling_allowed_sites parameter restricts web crawling operations to a specified list of allowed IPs or web addresses. This ensures that the application only accesses pre-approved and safe URLs ("web_crawling_allowed_sites": ["", ""]).

If left empty ([]), the application allows access to all URLs by default (marked with a wildcard in the open-source version).