To follow this guide, install MindsDB locally via Docker or PyPI.

Starting MindsDB with Default Configuration

Start MindsDB locally with the default configuration.

  1. Activate the virtual environment:
source mindsdb/bin/activate
  1. Start MindsDB:
python -m mindsdb
  1. Access MindsDB locally at

By default, MindsDB starts the http and mysql APIs. You can define which APIs to start using the api flag as below.

python -m mindsdb --api http,mysql,postgres,mongodb

If you want to start MindsDB without the graphical user interface (GUI), use the --no_studio flag as below.

python -m mindsdb --no_studio

Starting MindsDB with Extended Configuration

Start MindsDB locally with your custom configuration by providing a path to the config.json file that stores custom config parameters listed in this section.

python -m mindsdb --config=/path-to-the-extended-config-file/config.json

Modifying Config Values

Users can modify config values by directly editing the config.json file they created.