Replicate (Text2Video)
This handler was implemented using the replicate
library that is provided by Replicate.
The required arguments to establish a connection are,
- model_name: Model name which you want to access in MindsDB. e.g ‘air-forever/kandinsky-2’
- version: version hash/id which you want to use in MindsDB.
- api_key: API key from Replicate Platform you can found here.
Before you can use Replicate, it’s essential to authenticate by setting your API token in an environment variable named REPLICATE_API_TOKEN. This token acts as a key to enable access to Replicate’s features.
- Using pip:
If you’re working in a standard Python environment (using pip for package management), set your token as an environment variable by running the following command in your terminal:
On Linux, Mac:
On Windows:
- Using Docker:
For Docker users, the process slightly differs. You need to pass the environment variable directly to the Docker container when running it. Use this command:
docker run -e REPLICATE_API_TOKEN='YOUR_TOKEN' -p 47334:47334 -p 47335:47335 mindsdb/mindsdb
Again, replace ‘YOUR_TOKEN’ with your actual Replicate API token.
To use this handler and connect to a Replicate cluster in MindsDB, you need an account on Replicate. Make sure to create an account by following this link.
To establish the connection and create a model in MindsDB, use the following syntax:
PREDICT output
engine = 'replicate',
model_name= 'deforum/deforum_stable_diffusion',
version ='e22e77495f2fb83c34d5fae2ad8ab63c0a87b6b573b6208e1535b23b89ea66d6',
api_key = 'r8_HEH............';
You can use the DESCRIBE PREDICTOR query to see the available parameters that you can specify to customize your predictions:
DESCRIBE PREDICTOR mindsdb.video_ai.features;
| inputs | type | default | description |
| fps | integer | 15 | Choose fps for the video. |
| seed | integer | - | Random seed. Leave blank to randomize the seed |
| zoom | string | 0: (1.04) | zoom parameter for the motion |
| angle | string | 0:(0) | angle parameter for the motion |
| sampler | - | plms | - |
| max_frames | integer | 100 | Number of frames for animation |
| translation_x | string | 0: (0) | translation_x parameter for the motion |
| translation_y | string | 0: (0) | translation_y parameter for the motion |
| color_coherence | - | Match Frame 0 LAB | - |
| animation_prompts | string | 0: a beautiful portrait of a woman by Artgerm, trending on Artstation | Prompt for animation. Provide 'frame number : prompt at this frame', separate different prompts with '|'. Make sure the frame number does not exceed the max_frames. |
Now, you can use the established connection to query your ML Model as follows:
FROM video_ai
WHERE animation_prompts='a human and animals are friends by Asher Brown Durand, trending on Artstation'
| output | prompt |
| | a human and animals are friends by Asher Brown Durand, trending on Artstation |
Checkout generated video here as above link will not work, reason is given below.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: PREDICTED URL will only work for 24 hours after prediction.
Note: Replicate provides only a few free predictions, so choose your predictions wisely. Don’t let the machines have all the fun, save some for yourself! 😉
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