This documentation describes the integration of MindsDB with MySQL, a fast, reliable, and scalable open-source database. The integration allows MindsDB to access data stored in the MySQL database and enhance MySQL with AI capabilities.


Before proceeding, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Install MindsDB and MySQL on your system or obtain access to cloud options.
  2. To use MySQL with MindsDB, install the required dependencies by running pip install mindsdb[mysql].


Establish a connection to your MySQL database from MindsDB by executing the following SQL command:

CREATE DATABASE mysql_datasource 
WITH ENGINE = 'mysql', 
    "host": "",
    "port": 3306,
    "database": "mysql",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "password"

Or, using the url parameter:

CREATE DATABASE mysql_datasource
  ENGINE = 'mysql',
    "url": "mysql://user@"

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • user: The username for the MySQL database.
  • password: The password for the MySQL database.
  • host: The hostname, IP address, or URL of the MySQL server.
  • port: The port number for connecting to the MySQL server.
  • database: The name of the MySQL database to connect to.
  • url: You can specify a connection to MySQL Server using a URI-like string, if the above params are not provided.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • ssl: Boolean parameter that indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled for the connection. Set to True to enable SSL and enhance connection security, or set to False to use the default non-encrypted connection.
  • ssl_ca: Specifies the path to the Certificate Authority (CA) file in PEM format.
  • ssl_cert: Specifies the path to the SSL certificate file. This certificate should be signed by a trusted CA specified in the ssl_ca file or be a self-signed certificate trusted by the server.
  • ssl_key: Specifies the path to the private key file (in PEM format).


Retrieve data from a specified table by providing the integration and table name:

FROM mysql_datasource.table_name

The above examples utilize mysql_datasource as the datasource name, which is defined in the CREATE DATABASE command.

Next Steps

Check out the Forecast Monthly Expenditures tutorial, which uses the data from MySQL database to MindsDB.

Troubleshooting Guide

Database Connection Error

  • Symptoms: Failure to connect MindsDB with the MySQL database.
  • Checklist:
    1. Ensure that the MySQL server is running and accessible
    2. Confirm that host, port, user, and password are correct. Try a direct MySQL connection.
    3. Test the network connection between the MindsDB host and the MySQL server.

SQL statement cannot be parsed by mindsdb_sql

  • Symptoms: SQL queries failing or not recognizing table names containing spaces, reserved words or special characters.
  • Checklist:
    1. Ensure table names with spaces or special characters are enclosed in backticks.
    2. Examples:
      • Incorrect: SELECT * FROM data
      • Incorrect: SELECT * FROM integration.‘travel data’
      • Correct: SELECT * FROM integration.`travel data`