The Bring Your Own Model (BYOM) feature lets you upload your own models in the form of Python code and use them within MindsDB.

How It Works

You can upload your custom model via the MindsDB editor by clicking Add and Upload custom model, like this:

Here is the form that needs to be filled out in order to bring your model to MindsDB:

Let’s briefly go over the files that need to be uploaded:

  • The Python file stores an implementation of your model. It should contain the train and predict methods. Here is its sample content:

    import os
    import pandas as pd
    from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression
    from sklearn import preprocessing
    class CustomPredictor():def train(self, df, target_col, args=None):
            print(args, '1111')
            self.target_col = target_col
            y = df[self.target_col]
            x = df.drop(columns=self.target_col)
            x_cols = list(x.columns)
            x_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(x)
            y_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(y.values.reshape(-1, 1))
            xs = x_scaler.transform(x)
            ys = y_scaler.transform(y.values.reshape(-1, 1))
            pls = PLSRegression(n_components=1)
  , ys)
            T = pls.x_scores_
            W = pls.x_weights_
            P = pls.x_loadings_
            R = pls.x_rotations_
            self.x_cols = x_cols
            self.x_scaler = x_scaler
            self.P = P
            def calc_limit(df):
                res = None
                for column in df.columns:
                    if column == self.target_col: continue
                    tbl = df.groupby(self.target_col).agg({column: ['mean', 'min', 'max', 'std']})
                    tbl.columns = tbl.columns.get_level_values(1)
                    tbl['name'] = column
                    tbl['std'] = tbl['std'].fillna(0)
                    tbl['lower'] = tbl['mean'] - 3 * tbl['std']
                    tbl['upper'] = tbl['mean'] + 3 * tbl['std']
                    tbl['lower'] = tbl[["lower", "min"]].max(axis=1)  # lower >= min
                    tbl['upper'] = tbl[["upper", "max"]].min(axis=1)  # upper <= max
                    tbl = tbl[['name', 'lower', 'mean', 'upper']]
                        res = pd.concat([res, tbl])
                        res = tbl
                return res
            trdf = pd.DataFrame()
            trdf[self.target_col] = y.values
            trdf['T1'] = T.squeeze()
            limit = calc_limit(trdf).reset_index()
            self.limit = limit
            return "Trained predictor ready to be stored"def predict(self, df):
            yt = df[self.target_col].values
            xt = df[self.x_cols]
            xt = self.x_scaler.transform(xt)
            excess_cols = list(set(df.columns) - set(self.x_cols))
            pred_df = df[excess_cols].copy()
            pred_df[self.target_col] = yt
            pred_df['T1'] = (xt @ self.P).squeeze()
            pred_df = pd.merge(pred_df, self.limit[[self.target_col, 'lower', 'upper']], how='left', on=self.target_col)return pred_df
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        BYOM = CustomPredictor()
        df_train = pd.read_csv('/data/work/mindsdb/test/byom/df_train.csv')
        df = BYOM.predict(df=df_train[:10])
  • The requirements file, known as requirements.txt, stores all dependencies along with their versions. Here is its sample content:


Once you upload the above files, please provide an engine name.

Please note that your custom model is uploaded to MindsDB as an engine. Then you can use this engine to create a model.

Let’s look at an example.


We upload the custom model, as below:

Here we upload the file that stores an implementation of the model and the requirements.txt file that stores all the dependencies.

Once the model is uploaded, it becomes an ML engine within MindsDB. Now we use this custom_ML_engine to create a model as follows:

CREATE MODEL custom_model
FROM my_integration
    (SELECT * FROM my_table)
PREDICT target
    ENGINE = 'custom_ML_engine';

Let’s query for predictions by joining the custom model with the data table.

SELECT input.feature_column, model_target_column
FROM my_integration.my_table as input
JOIN custom_model as model;

Check out the BYOM handler folder to see the implementation details.